What Defines a Serial Killer?

T here are murders in this world every day. We read about them so often that we no longer have a sick reaction to the news, whether on television, in the newspaper, or on the internet – unless it affects us on a personal level. War, gang violence, and murders of passion are in the […]
What’s A “Good” Psychopath?

“P sychopath up.” says Dr. Kevin Dutton, a leading expert on functional psychopathy. “A bit of localized psychopathy is good for all of us.” Huh? Your first reaction might be that Dutton, a research psychologist from Oxford University, and author of The Wisdom of Psychopaths, might have had one too many servings of bangers and […]
Psychopaths Who DON’T Kill

A re there really psychopaths who don’t kill? Most psychopaths are not murderers. They’re all around us – often successful in careers from blue-collar to high level executives and professionals. Think of it as a Psychopathic Spectrum – a scale that measures the number of psychopathic traits in an individual. Like any scale, a person […]
Will The Real Psychopath Please Stand?

D oes your boss have killer instincts? Is your neighbor great company as long as you do what suits her? Is your lover or spouse a control freak? Your boss may have no empathy; your neighbor may not care what you think; and your lover or spouse could be driven only by self-gratification. They’re all psychopathic […]