What Defines a Serial Killer?
T here are murders in this world every day. We read about them so often that we no longer have a sick reaction to the news, whether on television, in the newspaper, or on the internet – unless it affects us on a personal level. War, gang violence, and murders of passion are in the news every day with little
What’s A “Good” Psychopath?
“P sychopath up.” says Dr. Kevin Dutton, a leading expert on functional psychopathy. “A bit of localized psychopathy is good for all of us.” Huh? Your first reaction might be that Dutton, a research psychologist from Oxford University, and author of The Wisdom of Psychopaths, might have had one too many servings of bangers and mash. Think again. Psychopathic traits fall
Psychopaths Who DON’T Kill
A re there really psychopaths who don’t kill? Most psychopaths are not murderers. They’re all around us – often successful in careers from blue-collar to high level executives and professionals. Think of it as a Psychopathic Spectrum – a scale that measures the number of psychopathic traits in an individual. Like any scale, a person can have a few traits
Will The Real Psychopath Please Stand?
D oes your boss have killer instincts? Is your neighbor great company as long as you do what suits her? Is your lover or spouse a control freak? Your boss may have no empathy; your neighbor may not care what you think; and your lover or spouse could be driven only by self-gratification. They’re all psychopathic traits, but chances are unlikely
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