Seven Bizarre Last Meals of Death Row Inmates
By Dr. Jeri Fink Haunted or hungry, guilty or innocent, what does a last meal say about the convicted? Is it a way to make a not-so-subtle statement to the world they’re departing? Does it reflect who the killer really is? Or perhaps it’s a statement on what he or […]
What’s in a Last Meal?

W hat’s in a Last Meal? Why are we intrigued by death row last meals? A google search of “last meals on death row” produced over 3.5 million results. There are famous last meals, strange last meals, haunting last meals, and everything else. The concept captures the morbid imagination of everyone from movie producers to scientists […]
Last Words of Death Row Inmates with a Sense of Humor

T here’s no one on Death Row who you would like to meet in a dark alley. They’re serial killers, murderers, rapists, and perpetrators of the most heinous crimes known to human kind. Yet many of them had a bizarre sense of humor as they faced their executions. These words were collected from various reliable […]