Broken By Truth

Evil rises. Mack aimed the white gun at the stage. The shot blasted through the studio, reverberating off lights, cameras, and booms. For an endless moment no one moved. A red hole appeared on her forehead. Her eyes widened in confusion as blood spattered my cream-colored Armani suit . . .
Haunted family trees, chilling photo insights, and twisted psychopaths burst into life. Will Mack be found? Why did he shoot? What does a TV talk show host have in common with an ancient psychopath? Broken By Truth reinvents the thriller – blending fact, fiction, and photos into a riveting story you’ll never forget.
Broken By Birth

Evil is born. Joshua enters the world in a gritty basement apartment beneath the shadow of an old water tower. He was beaten, neglected, and by the end of his first day of life, abandoned. Haunted family trees, chilling photo insights, and twisted psychopaths tell Joshua’s bone-chilling story. He’s followed from womb through foster care, ending in the numbing terror of his forever home.
Joshua is the son of Ayla and Mack – the unknown baby in Broken By Truth. How is he connected to The Senator? Is he doomed for evil? What is his true legacy?
Broken By Birth re-invents the thriller – blending fact, fiction, and photos into a riveting story you’ll never forget.
Broken By Evil

Evil Grows. Everyone is terrified of Joshua. Drowned cats, dissected squirrels, and burning dogs are his playthings. No one know what the child thinks or will do next. Except for you.
The Senator, Aldi and Cal, Sage, and Grandma Espie, among others, return in this blood-curdling thriller.
Haunted family trees, chilling photo insights, and twisted psychopaths form the landscape of Joshua’s evil. Can a child be a psychopath? Does he look any different from other children? What happens when the child grows into a teenager?
Broken By Evil re-invents the thriller – blending fact, fiction, and photos into a riveting story you’ll never forget.
Go Back in Time
Go back in time to discover where evil thrived in the past. Meet the ancestors of the characters in the first three Broken Books and follow their haunted family trees.
Broken by Madness

Evil Lurks. Enter the 17th century when Dutch New Amsterdam is run by tight-fisted Peter Stuyvesant. Twenty-three Jews arrive from Recife, Brazil, fleeing the Portuguese Inquisition. They face an agonizing struggle for their rights. Suddenly a psychopath surfaces, threatening everyone in the young settlement. The Dutch blame the atrocities on a gentle Munsee Indian while mutilated animals and children stain Jew’s Alley. Who is the psychopath? Why is he or she attacking Jews? Broken By Madness blends fact, fiction, and photos into a riveting story you’ll never forget.
Broken By Men

Evil Spreads. Hannah and Esperanza flee The Inquisition, joining the expelled Spanish Jews in 1492. They find refuge on a tiny Portuguese farm with two old Christian peasants. A traveler discovers the sisters and turns them into the royal soldiers. Simao, a psychopathic soldier and his band arrive on the farm and evil spreads. How can the young girls survive the men?
Broken By Kings

Evil Evolves. Esperanza is kidnapped by the King’s soldiers. She joins a group of 2000 Jewish children shipped to the malaria-infested African island of São Tomé. The Portuguese soldiers in the camp are brutal, taking children as their sex slaves. Esperanza and her friends endure only to be grabbed by the newly arrived psychopathic soldier, Simao. Can they escape the fever and evil of kings?
Broken: The Prequel

Evil at Home. The Broken Saga begins in 1492. The Tapiadors are Conversos (Secret Jews) who are betrayed to The Inquisition. Armed soldiers arrive to arrest them. The parents push their two daughters through a hidden trapdoor to a tunnel that leads to safety. The soldiers drag the parents to the torture chambers. Can the parents save their children and survive the torture?